Gandaki Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Job Vacancy for 8th nad 7th Level Technical Officer: Gandaki Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog hass been Publihed the technical sector job vacancy. Under which various posts have been advertised for Agriculture, Health, Foresty, Veterinary, Engineering and education.
Application Fee: – Application Fee Rs. 1,200 (one thousand two hundred rupees) will have to be paid. Candidates applying for additional advertisement for inter-level and inclusive groups will have to submit the examination fee at the rate of 400.- (four hundred) for each additional group.
Method and place of submission of application fee:- Cash can be paid from the designated bank by printing the bank voucher (with Master ID and transaction code number) generated through the online application system of the Application Fee Commission. Application After the bank voucher is created through the online application system of the Commission, payment can also be made through the designated Payment Service. Once the application has been submitted in any advertisement, it will not be possible to add/subtract or correct the application in the same advertisement.
Period for submission of application fee :- Till 07/08/2080 (within the office hours of the office opening day after the public holiday in case of a public holiday) Detailed advertisement with necessary qualifications of the advertised posts can be obtained from the Commission’s website.